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일반화학/[13장] 용액의 성질177

624 mL water 32.15 mL C2H6O2 d 1.113 624 mL water 32.15 mL C2H6O2 d 1.113 Calculate the freezing point and normal boiling points of each of the following aqueous solutions. c) 32.15 mL of ethylene glycol, C2H6O2 (d = 1.113 g/mL) in 624 mL of water (d = 1.00 g/mL) --------------------------------------------------- C2H6O2의 몰질량 = 2(C) + 6(H) + 2(O) = 2(12) + 6(1) + 2(16) = 62 g/mol 용질의 몰수 = (32.15 mL) (1.113 g/mL) (1 mol / 62 g) = (3.. 2022. 11. 8.
60.6℃ A용매 증기압 60.0 kPa 0.2 g B화합물 A용매 10 g 57 kPa 60.6℃ A용매 증기압 60.0 kPa 0.2 g B화합물 A용매 10 g 57 kPa 60.6℃에서 분자량 100 g/mol인 A 용매의 증기압은 60.0 kPa이지만, 0.2 g의 B 화합물을 A 용매 10 g에 녹이면 증기압은 57 kPa로 낮아진다. B 화합물의 분자량(g/mol)은 얼마일까? --------------------------------------------------- 라울의 법칙 P_용액 = X_용매 × P°_용매 ( P_용액 = 용액 위 용매의 증기압 ) ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2646 ) X_용매 = P_용액 / P°_용매 = (57 / 60.0) = 0.95 ---> A 용매의 몰분율 10 g / (100 g/mol) = 0.1 mol A .. 2022. 11. 3.
증기압내림. 1.50 mol naphthalene 1053 g benzene 12.6 kPa 25℃ 증기압내림. 1.50 mol naphthalene 1053 g benzene 12.6 kPa 25℃ 25℃에서 순수한 벤젠의 증기압은 12.6 kPa이다. 여기에 1.50 mol 나프탈렌을 1053 g 벤젠에 녹였을 때 벤젠의 증기압은 얼마일까? What is the vapor pressure of benzene when 1.50 mol of naphthalene is mixed with 1053 g of benzene? The vapor pressure of pure benzene is 12.6 kPa at 25℃. --------------------------------------------------- 벤젠, C6H6의 몰질량 = 78.11 g/mol 이므로, 1053 g / (78.11 g/mo.. 2022. 11. 3.
증기압내림. 0.75 mol naphthalene 1.00 kg benzene 12.6 kPa 25℃ 증기압내림. 0.75 mol naphthalene 1.00 kg benzene 12.6 kPa 25℃ What is the vapor pressure of benzene when 0.75 mol of naphthalene is mixed with 1.00 kg of benzene? The vapor pressure of pure benzene is 12.6 kPa at 25℃. --------------------------------------------------- 벤젠, C6H6의 몰질량 = 78.11 g/mol 이므로, (1.00 kg) (1000 g / 1 kg) (1 mol / 78.11 g) = 12.8 mol 벤젠 (용매) ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 ).. 2022. 11. 3.
C12H10 5.50 g benzene 100.0 g 0.903℃ 6.30 g 150.0 g 0.597℃ C12H10 5.50 g benzene 100.0 g 0.903℃ 6.30 g 150.0 g 0.597℃ (a) When 5.50 g of biphenyl (C12H10) is dissolved in 100.0 g of benzene (C6H6), the boiling point increases by 0.903℃. Calculate the Kb for benzene. (b) If 6.30 g of an unknown were added to 150.0 g of benzene, the boiling point of the solution increases by 0.597℃. What is the molar mass of the unknown substance? ------------------------.. 2022. 11. 2.
25℃ benzene vapor 0.1252 atm 6.40 g C10H8 78.0 g benzene 25℃ benzene vapor 0.1252 atm 6.40 g C10H8 78.0 g benzene At 25℃, the vapor pressure of pure benzene is 0.1252 atm. When 6.40 g of a solid sample of naphthalene, C10H8 (128.17 g/mol), is dissolved in 78.0 g of pure benzene, C6H6 (78.0 g/mol), calculate the vapor pressure of benzene above the solution. 25℃에서 순수한 벤젠의 증기압은 0.1252 atm이다. 나프탈렌 (C10H8) 6.40 g을 벤젠 78.0 g에 녹였다. 용액 위의 벤젠의 증기압은 얼마인가? -----.. 2022. 11. 2.
25℃ benzene vapor 0.1252 atm 6.50 g C10H8 76.0 g benzene 25℃ benzene vapor 0.1252 atm 6.50 g C10H8 76.0 g benzene At 25℃, the vapor pressure of pure benzene is 0.1252 atm. When 6.50 g of a solid sample of naphthalene, C10H8 (128.17 g/mol), is dissolved in 76.0 g of pure benzene, C6H6 (78.0 g/mol), calculate the vapor pressure of benzene above the solution. --------------------------------------------------- 각 물질의 몰수를 계산하면, 6.50 g / (128.17 g/mol) = 0... 2022. 11. 2.
fructose 1.049 g/cm3 osmotic 17.0 atm 25℃ freeze fructose 1.049 g/cm3 osmotic 17.0 atm 25℃ freeze An aqueous fructose solution having a density of 1.049 g/cm3 is found to have an osmotic pressure of 17.0 atm at 25℃. Find the temperature at which this solution freezes. Given: for water Kf = 1.86 ℃/m; molecular mass of fructose = 180.16 g/mol A) –1.30℃ B) –1.41℃ C) –1.52℃ D) –1.57℃ E) –1.69℃ --------------------------------------------------- 삼투.. 2022. 10. 22.
sucrose fructose 2.850 g 1.50 L 298.0 K 0.1843 atm osmotic sucrose fructose 2.850 g 1.50 L 298.0 K 0.1843 atm osmotic When a 2.850 g mixture of the sugars sucrose (C12H22O11) and fructose (C6H12O6) was dissolved in water to a volume of 1.50 L, the resultant solution gave an osmotic pressure of 0.1843 atm at 298.0 K. What is X_sucrose of the mixture? --------------------------------------------------- 삼투압, π = MRT ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/1921 ) M .. 2022. 10. 19.
61.0℃ benzene vapor pressure 54.0 kPa 500 g 51.0 g 49.0 kPa molar mass 61.0℃ benzene vapor pressure 54.0 kPa 500 g 51.0 g 49.0 kPa molar mass 61.0℃에서 벤젠의 증기압은 54.0 kPa이다. 500 g 벤젠에 51.0 g 비휘발성 화합물을 녹였더니 증기압이 49.0 kPa로 떨어졌다. 이 화합물의 몰질량을 구하시오. The vapor pressure of benzene is 54.0 kPa at 61.0℃, but it fall to 49.0 kPa when 51.0 g nonvolatile organic compound is dissolved in 500 g benzene. The molar mass of the nonvolatile compound is ---------------------------------.. 2022. 10. 14.