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C6H5COCl C6H5COOH HCl first order 25% 26 s 99%

by 영원파란 2022. 10. 26.



C6H5COCl C6H5COOH HCl first order 25% 26 s 99%



Benzoyl chloride, C6H5COCl, reacts with water

to form benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, and hydrochloric acid.

This first-order reaction is 25% complete after 26 s.

How much longer would one have to wait

in order to obtain 99% conversion

of benzoyl chloride to benzoic acid?




1차 반응 속도식

ln(C_t / C_0) = –k•t

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/26 )




C_0 = 100 이라 가정하면,

25% 반응 후 남아있는 양 = 75 이므로,


k = –ln(C_t / C_0) / t

= –ln(75 / 100) / 26

= 0.0110647

= 0.011 /s




99% 반응 후 남아있는 양 = 1 이므로,


t = –ln(C_t / C_0) / k

= –ln(1 / 100) / 0.011

= 418.6518

= 419 s




419 – 26 = 393 s




답: 393 s



