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SO2Cl2 660 K 4.5×10^(-2) s^-1 450 torr 60 sec

by 영원파란 2022. 10. 23.


SO2Cl2 660 K 4.5×10^(-2) s^-1 450 torr 60 sec

SO2Cl2의 분해 반응은 일차 반응

660 K에서 분해 반응의 속도 상수는 4.5×10^(-2) s^-1



The decomposition of sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2) is a first-order process.

The rate constant for the decomposition at 660 K is 4.5×10^(-2) s^-1.

a) If we begin with an initial SO2Cl2 pressure of 450 torr,

what is the partial pressure of this substance after 60 s?

b) At what time will the partial pressure of SO2Cl2

decline to one-tenth its initial value?




SO2Cl2 분해 반응식

SO2Cl2(g) → SO2(g) + Cl2(g)




1차 반응 속도식

ln(P_t / P_0) = –k•t

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/26 )




1차 반응 속도식만 외우고 있으면,

간단히 풀 수 있는 아주 쉬운 문제.




ln(P_t / 450) = –(4.5×10^(-2) /s) (60 s)


P_t / 450 = e^[–(4.5×10^(-2) /s) (60 s)]


P_t = e^[–(4.5×10^(-2) /s) (60 s)] × 450

= 30.24 torr


a) 답: 30 torr





ln(0.1 / 1) = –(4.5×10^(-2) /s)•t


t = –ln(0.1 / 1) / (4.5×10^(-2) /s)

= 51.17 s


b) 답: 51 s



