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일반화학/[13장] 용액의 성질

water vapor 110℃ 1070 torr EG 1.00 atm Raoult mol fraction

by 영원파란 2022. 9. 8.


water vapor 110℃ 1070 torr EG 1.00 atm Raoult mol fraction



The vapor pressure of pure water at 110℃ is 1070 torr.

A solution of ethylene glycol and water

has a vapor pressure of 1.00 atm at 110℃.

Assuming that Raoult’s law is obeyed,

what is the mole fraction of ethylene glycol in the solution?





1070 torr × (1 atm / 760 torr) = 1.4078947 atm




증기압 내림

ΔP_용액 = X_용질 • P°_용매

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2646 )


ΔP_용액 = 순수한 용매의 증기압 – 용액(속 용매)의 증기압

= (P°_용매) – (P_용액)




X_용질 = ΔP_용액 / P°_용매

= (1.4078947 – 1.00) / 1.4078947

= 0.2897




답: 0.290





[키워드] EG의 몰분율 기준문서, 라울의 법칙 기준문서



