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caminic acid C 53.66% H 4.09% 0.3602 g 0.0406 M NaOH 18.02 mL

by 영원파란 2022. 6. 10.


caminic acid C 53.66% H 4.09% 0.3602 g 0.0406 M NaOH 18.02 mL



Carminic acid, a naturally occurring red pigment

extracted from the cochineal insect,

contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

It was commonly used as a dye

in the first half of the nineteenth century.

It is 53.66% C and 4.09% H by mass.

A titration required 18.02 mL of 0.0406 M NaOH

to neutralize 0.3602 g carminic acid.

Assuming that there is only one acidic hydrogen per molecule,

what is the molecular formula of carminic acid?



▶ 참고: 원소분석

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/64 ]



CHO 화합물이므로,

시료의 질량 = 100 g 이라 가정하면,


O의 질량

= 100 – (53.66 + 4.09) = 42.25 g




각 성분의 몰수 계산

> C: 53.66 g / (12.01 g/mol) = 4.4679 mol

> H: 4.09 / 1.008 = 4.0575 mol

> O: 42.25 / 16.00 = 2.6406 mol




몰수의 가장 작은 정수비 계산

C : H : O = 4.4679 : 4.0575 : 2.6406

= 4.4679/2.6406 : 4.0575/2.6406 : 2.6406/2.6406

= 21.996 : 19.976 : 13

≒ 22 : 20 : 13

---> 실험식 = C22 H20 O13

---> 실험식량 = 22(12.01) + 20(1.008) + 13(16.00) = 492.38




NaOH의 몰수 계산

(0.0406 mol/L) (18.02/1000 L) = 0.0007316 mol

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7787 )


= 카민산의 몰수

( 카민산이 1가산이므로, )




카민산의 몰질량(= 분자량) 계산

0.3602 g / 0.0007316 mol = 492.35 g/mol

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




실험식량 ≒ 분자량 이므로,

실험식 = 분자식




답: 분자식 = C22H20O13





[키워드] 카민산 기준문서, 연지 벌레 기준문서



