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일반화학/[05장] 열화학

50.0 g metal 100.0℃ 24.8℃ 50.0 g water 51.2℃

by 영원파란 2024. 4. 20.



50.0 g metal 100.0℃ 24.8℃ 50.0 g water 51.2℃



Suppose 50.0 g of water in the Styrofoam cup has an in initial temperature of 24.8℃. When a 50.0 g piece of metal at a temperature of 100.0℃ is added, the temperature of the water and metal rise to final temperature of 51.2℃. What is the specific heat of this metal object? (Specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g•℃)




열용량과 비열

q = C m Δt

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2897 )




금속의 비열 = x 라 두면,

고온 물질이 잃은 열(–q) = 저온 물질이 얻은 열(+q)

–[(x) (50.0) (51.2 – 100.0)] = +[(4.184) (50.0) (51.2 – 24.8)]


2440x = 5522.88


x = 5522.88 / 2440

= 2.2635 J/g•℃

---> 금속의 비열




답: 2.26 J/g•℃





[ 관련 글 https://ywpop.tistory.com/23649 ]

metal sample 110.0 g 92.0℃ heat 21.0℃ water 75.0 g 24.2℃




[키워드] 고온 물질이 잃은 열 기준



