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14C half life 5370 years dead tree 14C 60%

by 영원파란 2023. 5. 18.



14C half life 5370 years dead tree 14C 60%



The half life period of 14C is 5370 years.

In a sample of dead tree,

the proportion of 14C is found to be 60%

in comparison to living tree.

Calculate the age of the sample.




방사성 붕괴는 1차 반응이므로,


1차 반응의 반감기

t_1/2 = 0.693 / k

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/26 )


k = 0.693 / t_1/2

= 0.693 / 5370 yr

= 0.00012905 /yr




1차 반응 속도식

ln(C_t / C_0) = –k•t


t = –ln(C_t / C_0) / k

= –ln(60 / 100) / (0.693 / 5370 yr)

= 3958.3457 yr




답: 3958년



