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일반화학/[01장] 서론: 물질과 측정

mass 450 g ball kinetic energy 406 J velocity m/s

by 영원파란 2023. 4. 7.


mass 450 g ball kinetic energy 406 J velocity m/s

mass 450 g ball kinetic energy 406 J speed m/s



A baseball with a mass of 450 g has a kinetic energy of 406 J.

Calculate the velocity of the baseball in units of m/s.




KE = 1/2 mv^2


1 J = 1 kg•m^2/s^2 이므로,

406 kg•m^2/s^2 = (1/2) (0.45 kg) v^2


v = [406 / ((1/2) (0.45))]^(1/2)

= 42.48 m/s




답: 42.5 m/s





[참고] 유효숫자 루트 계산. 유효숫자 제곱근 계산

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/10864 )



