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일반화학/[01장] 서론: 물질과 측정

salt 0.547 g 5.70 mL oil 5.95 mL density g cm-3

by 영원파란 2023. 4. 23.


salt 0.547 g 5.70 mL oil 5.95 mL density g cm-3



A crystal of salt was grown and

found to have a mass of 0.547 g.

When the crystal was placed in a graduated cylinder

that contained 5.70 mL oil, the volume increased to 5.95 mL.

What is the density of salt?

Give your answer in g cm ^-3

since the density of solids are reported in g cm^-3.




> 1 mL = 1 cm^3

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7866 )




메스실린더의 증가된 부피 = 염의 부피

( 아르키메데스의 원리 )




밀도 = 질량 / 부피

= 0.547 g / (5.95 – 5.70 cm^3)

= 2.19 g/cm^3




답: 2.19 g cm^-3






[ 그림 출처 Wikimedia ] Archimedes Eureka.





[키워드] 아르키메데스의 원리 기준문서, 유레카 기준문서



