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N2 rms 500 m/s H2 rms

by 영원파란 2022. 10. 28.


N2 rms 500 m/s H2 rms



If the rms speed of the N2 molecules of the gas

at room temperature is 500 m/s,

then the rms speed of the H2 molecules at the same temperature will be -




u_rms = root(3RT/M)

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/45 )


---> H2의 rms 속도는 N2보다 빠르다.




N2의 rms 속도

500 m/s = [3RT / (28/1000)]^(1/2) ...(1)




H2의 rms 속도

x = [3RT / (2/1000)]^(1/2) ... (2)




(1)식 / (2)식


500 / x = [3RT / (28/1000)]^(1/2) / [3RT / (2/1000)]^(1/2)


500 / x = [(2/1000) / (28/1000)]^(1/2)


x = 500 / [(2/1000) / (28/1000)]^(1/2)

= 1870.8




답: 1871 cm/s



