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MCl 16.2 min 3.86 A 1.52 g

by 영원파란 2022. 8. 15.


MCl 16.2 min 3.86 A 1.52 g



Electrolysis of a molten salt with the formula MCl,

using a current of 3.86 A for 16.2 min,

deposits 1.52 g of metal. Identify the metal.

(1 faraday = 96,485 coulombs)



▶ 참고: 전기분해의 화학량론

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/4461 ]



Q = It

= (3.86 A) (16.2 min) (60 sec / 1 min)

= (3.86) (16.2) (60)

= 3751.92 A•sec

= 3751.92 C




MCl ---> M의 이온전하 = +1

---> M^+ + e^- → M




(3751.92 C) (1 mol e^- / 96485 C) (1 mol M / 1 mol e^-)

= (3751.92) (1 / 96485)

= 0.038886 mol M




1.52 g / 0.038886 mol

= 39.09 g/mol

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




답: K, Potassium



