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일반화학/[01장] 서론: 물질과 측정332

0.04 g/min•m3를 lbm/hr•ft3 단위로 환산 0.04 g/min•m3를 lbm/hr•ft3 단위로 환산 [참고] 환산 인자 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/3121 ] > 1 lb = 1 lbm = 453.59237 g ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/22440 ) > 1 hr = 60 min > 1 ft = 0.3048 m ---> 1 ft3 = 0.3048^3 m3 ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/20863 ) (0.04 g/min•m3) (1 lbm / 453.59237 g) (60 min / 1 hr) (0.3048^3 m3 / 1 ft3) = (0.04) (1 / 453.59237) (60) (0.3048^3) = 0.0001498 lbm/hr•ft3 답: 1.498×10^(.. 2024. 3. 27.
5.01 lb mass 66% copper 6.304×10^(-3) in 8.95 g/cm3 5.01 lb mass 66% copper 6.304×10^(-3) in 8.95 g/cm3 Copper can be drawn into thin wires. How many meters of 34-gauge wire (diameter = 6.304×10^(-3) in) can be produced from copper in 5.01 lbs of covellite, an ore of copper that is 66% Cu by mass? (Hint: Treat the wire as a cylinder; V of cylinder = πr^2h; d of copper = 8.95 g/cm3) (5.01 lb) (453.59237 g / 1 lb) = 2272.498 g covellite 2272.498 g .. 2024. 3. 22.
5320 gallon kerosene SST 4.02×10^9 ton density 0.965 g/cm3 5320 gallon kerosene SST 4.02×10^9 ton density 0.965 g/cm3 A supersonic aircraft consumes 5320 imperial gallons of kerosene per hour of flight and flies an average of 14 hours per day. It takes roughly seven tons of crude oil to produce one ton of kerosene. The density of kerosene is 0.965 g/cm3. How many planes would it take to consume the entire annual world production of 4.02×10^9 metric tons.. 2024. 3. 21.
Ga 녹는점 29.78℃ 끓는점 2204℃ 0 G 1000 G NaCl 녹는점 801℃ Ga 녹는점 29.78℃ 끓는점 2204℃ 0 G 1000 G NaCl 녹는점 801℃ The element gallium (Ga) has the second-largest liquid range of any element, melting at 29.78 ℃ and boiling at 2204 ℃ at atmospheric pressure. a) What is the density of gallium in g/cm3 at 25 ℃ if a 1 in. cube has a mass of 0.2133 lb? b) Assume that you construct a thermometer using gallium as the fluid instead of mercury and that you define the m.. 2024. 3. 20.
속도 환산. 95 m/s를 mi/h로 환산 ★ 속도 환산. 95 m/s를 mi/h로 환산 Convert 95 m/s to mi/h [참고] 환산 인자 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/3121 ] ▶ 환산 인자 > 1 mi = 1609.344 m (exactly, 정확한 값) > 1 h = 3600 s (95 m/s) (1 mi / 1609.344 m) (3600 s / 1 h) = (95) (1 / 1609.344) (3600) = 212.509 mi/h 답: 약 212.5 mi/h [참고] Convert 212.509 mi/h to m/s (212.509 mi/h) (1609.344 m / 1 mi) (1 h / 3600 s) = (212.509) (1609.344) (1 / 3600) = 95 m/s [ 관련 예제 https:/.. 2024. 3. 20.
가속도 환산. 4 m/s2을 km/h2으로 환산 ★ 가속도 환산. 4 m/s2을 km/h2으로 환산 Convert 4 m/s2 to km/h2 [참고] 환산 인자 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/3121 ] ▶ 환산 인자 > 1 km = 1000 m > 1 h = 3600 s ---> (1 h)^2 = (3600 s)^2 ---> 1 h2 = 3600^2 s2 (4 m/s2) (1 km / 1000 m) (3600^2 s2 / 1 h2) = (4) (1 / 1000) (3600^2) = 51840 km/s2 답: 51840 km/s2 [참고] Convert 51840 km/s2 to m/s2 (51840 km/s2) (1000 m / 1 km) (1 h2 / 3600^2 s2) = (51840) (1000) (1 / 3600^2) = 4.. 2024. 3. 20.
부피 환산. 9255 cm3를 갤런으로 환산 부피 환산. 9255 cm3를 갤런으로 환산 9255 cm3을 갤런으로 전환하라. Convert 9255 cm3 to gallons. Express the volume in gallons to four significant figures. 1 cm3 = 1 mL 이므로, 9255 cm3 = 9255 mL > 1 L = 1000 mL > 1 gal = 3.785411784 L ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/17461 ) (9255 mL) (1 L / 1000 mL) (1 gal / 3.785411784 L) = (9255) (1 / 1000) (1 / 3.785411784) = 2.44491... gal ---> 유효숫자 4개에 맞추면, = 2.445 gal 답: 2.445 gal.. 2024. 3. 19.
질량 환산. 242 lb를 mg으로 질량 환산. 242 lb를 mg으로 [참고] 질량 환산 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/22440 ] ---> 1 lb = 453.59237 g > 242의 유효숫자 = 3개 ( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3212 ) (242 lb) (453.59237 g / 1 lb) (1000 mg / 1 g) = (242) (453.59237) (1000) = 109769353.54 mg ---> 유효숫자 3개에 맞추면, = 1.10×10^8 mg 답: 1.10×10^8 mg [키워드] 242 lb to mg 기준 2024. 3. 18.
속력 환산. 65 mi/h to km/h 속력 환산. 65 mi/h to km/h Convert 65 miles per hour (mi/h) to units of kilometers per hour (km/h). The conversion 1 mile = 1.609 km may be used. (65 mi/h) (1.609 km / 1 mi) = 104.585 ---> 유효숫자 2개에 맞추면, = 1.0×10^2 km/h 답: 1.0×10^2 km/h [참고] 속력 환산. 65 mi/h to km/s Convert 65 miles per hour (mi/h) to units of kilometers per second (km/s). The conversion 1 mile = 1.609 km may be used. (65 mi/h) (1.609 .. 2024. 3. 18.
1989 Exxon Valdez Alaska 240,000 barrels 42 gal 1989 Exxon Valdez Alaska 240,000 barrels 42 gal In March 1989 the Exxon Valdez ran aground and spilled 240,000 barrels of crude petroleum off the coast of Alaska. One barrel of petroleum is equal to 42 gal. How many liters of petroleum were spilled? [참고] 부피 환산 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/17461 ] > 1 gal = 3.785411784 L (240000 barrels) (42 gal / 1 barrel) (3.785411784 L / 1 gal) = (240000) (42) .. 2024. 3. 17.