반응속도론에서 반응차수는 항상 정수인가?
Why order of reaction should be integers?
예제를 풀어보면, 가끔 정수가 아닌 예제가 있는 것으로 봐서,
항상 정수는 아닌 것 같습니다.^^
반응차수는 항상 정수가 아닙니다. 정수가 아닌 경우도 있습니다.
The order of a reaction is not necessarily an integer. The following orders are possible:
0(zero)인 경우,
Zero: A zero order indicates that the concentration of that species does not affect the rate of a reaction
음의 정수인 경우,
Negative integer: A negative order indicates that the concentration of that species INVERSELY affects the rate of a reaction
양의 정수인 경우,
Positive integer: A positive order indicates that the concentration of that species DIRECTLY affects the rate of a reaction
정수가 아닌 경우,
Non-Integer: Non-integer orders, both positive and negative, represent more intricate relationships between concentrations and rate in more complex reactions.
[원본 출처]
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