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완충용액의 pH. 1.00 g glycine amide 0.100 L pH

by 영원파란 2023. 5. 25.


완충용액의 pH. 1.00 g glycine amide 0.100 L pH



a) 1.00 g의 글라이신 아마이드 염화수소(glycine amide hydrochloride)와

1.00 g의 글라이신 아마이드(glycine amide)를

0.100 L에 녹여 만든 용액의 pH를 구하시오.



a) Find the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving

1.00 g of glycine amide hydrochloride plus

1.00 g of glycine amide in 0.100 L.



Glycine amide hydrochloride (BH^+)

FW 110.54, pKa = 8.20



Glycine amide (B)

FW 74.08


b) How many grams of glycine amide

should be added to 1.00 g of glycine amide hydrochloride

to give 100 mL of solution with pH 8.00?


c) What would be the pH if the solution in (a)

is mixed with 5.00 mL of 0.100 M HCl?


d) What would be the pH if the solution in (c)

is mixed with 10.00 mL of 0.100 M NaOH?


e) What would be the pH if the solution in part (a)

were mixed with 90.46 mL of 0.100 M NaOH?

(This is exactly the quantity of NaOH required

to neutralize the glycine amide hydrochloride.)




a) Find the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving

1.00 g of glycine amide hydrochloride plus

1.00 g of glycine amide in 0.100 L.


Henderson-Hasselbalch 식

pH = pKa + log([짝염기]/[약산])

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/1926 )


= pKa + log([B]/[BH^+])

= 8.20 + log( (1.00/74.08) / (1.00/110.54) )

= 8.37




답: pH = 8.37





[참고] n = W / M

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




[참고] 몰농도 대신 몰수

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/13452 )





[키워드] 1.00 g glycine amide hydrochloride 1.00 g glycine amide 0.100 L pH



