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일반화학/[15장] 화학 평형

0.055 mol CO and 0.072 mol Cl2 in 5.0 L K 0.20

by 영원파란 2023. 1. 2.


0.055 mol CO and 0.072 mol Cl2 in 5.0 L K 0.20



Phosphene, COCl2(g), is a toxic gas used for

production of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and dyes.

It is prepared by mixing carbon monoxide and chlorine gas

in the following reaction: CO(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ COCl2(g)


If 0.055 mol of carbon monoxide

and 0.072 mol of chlorine gas

are placed in a 5.0 L container at 200℃,

the value of the equilibrium constant is 0.20.

Calculate the equilibrium concentrations

of each gas at equilibrium.




[CO] = 0.055 mol / 5.0 L = 0.011 M


[Cl2] = 0.072 / 5.0 = 0.0144 M





[그림] A(g) + B(g) ⇌ C(g) 반응의 일반적인 ICE 도표와 평형 상수식.




ICE 도표를 작성하면,


............. CO(g) .. + .. Cl2(g) .. ⇌ .. COCl2(g)

초기(M): 0.011 ........ 0.0144 ......... 0

변화(M): –x .............. –x ................ +x

평형(M): 0.011–x ..... 0.0144–x ..... x




K = [COCl2] / [CO][Cl2]


0.20 = x / (0.011–x)(0.0144–x)


0.20 = x / ( (0.011)(0.0144) – 0.011x – 0.0144x + x^2)


(0.20)(0.011)(0.0144) – (0.20)(0.0254)x + 0.20x^2 = x


0.20x^2 – 1.00508x + (0.20)(0.011)(0.0144) = 0




근의 공식으로 x를 계산하면,

( 참고: 근의 공식 계산기 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3302 )


x = 0.0000315 = 3.15×10^(-5) M

---> 유효숫자 처리하면, x = 0.00




답: COCl2(g)는 극미량 생성되므로,

반응물의 농도 변화 = 0 라고 간주한다.


따라서, 평형에서 각 물질의 농도는

[CO] = 0.011 M

[Cl2] = 0.0144 M

[COCl2] = 0.00 M





[키워드] CO(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ COCl2(g) ICE table, 0.055 mol of CO(g) and 0.072 mol of Cl2(g) are placed in a 5.0 L container



