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2 L containing 4.5 g Ba(OH)2

by 영원파란 2022. 12. 31.


2 L containing 4.5 g Ba(OH)2



Determine the hydroxide ion concentration and pOH

in 2 L of an aqueous solution

containing 4.5 g of dissolved barium hydroxide.




Ba(OH)2의 몰질량 = 171.34 g/mol 이므로,

4.5 g / (171.34 g/mol) = 0.02626357 mol Ba(OH)2

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




[Ba(OH)2] = 0.02626357 mol / 2 L = 0.013 M

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3222 )




Ba(OH)2는 2가 강염기

Ba(OH)2(aq) → Ba^2+(aq) + 2OH^-(aq)

( 참고: 2가 염기 https://ywpop.tistory.com/22918 )


Ba(OH)2 : OH^- = 1 : 2 계수비(= 몰수비) 이므로,

[OH^-] = 2 × [Ba(OH)2]

= 2 × 0.013 M = 0.026 M

---> hydroxide ion concentration




pOH = –log[OH^-]

= –log(0.026) = 1.6





[키워드] 2가 강염기 기준문서



