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일반화학/[05장] 열화학

C6H5COOH 26.38 kJ/g 2.760 g 21.60℃ 29.93℃ 1.440 g 22.14℃ 27.09℃

by 영원파란 2022. 4. 22.



C6H5COOH 26.38 kJ/g 2.760 g 21.60℃ 29.93℃ 1.440 g 22.14℃ 27.09℃



Under constant-volume conditions,

the heat of combustion of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) is 26.38 kJ/g.

A 2.760 g sample of benzoic acid is burned in a bomb calorimeter.

The temperature of the calorimeter increases from 21.60 to 29.93℃.

a) What is the total heat capacity of the calorimeter?

b) A 1.440 g sample of a new organic substance

is combusted in the same calorimeter.

The temperature of the calorimeter increases from 22.14 to 27.09℃.

What is the heat of combustion per gram of the new substance?

c) Suppose that in changing samples,

a portion of the water in the calorimeter were lost.

In what way, if any, would this change the heat capacity of the calorimeter?



▶ 참고: 열용량과 비열

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/2897 ]



열용량, C = q / Δt





(2.760 g) (26.38 kJ/g) / (29.93 – 21.60 ℃)

= (2.760) (26.38) / (29.93 – 21.60)

= 8.74055 kJ/℃

= 8.74 kJ/℃





(8.74055 kJ/℃) (27.09 – 22.14 ℃) / (1.440 g)

= (8.74055) (27.09 – 22.14) / (1.440)

= 30.04564 kJ/g

= 30.0 kJ/g





열량계에서 물이 손실되면

가열시킬 물의 양이 감소한 것이기 때문에,

동일한 양의 반응열(kJ)이 열량계에 가해지면

열량계의 온도는 더 크게 증가한다.


C = q / Δt 이므로,

즉, 열용량과 온도는 반비례하므로,

열량계의 열용량은 감소한다.



