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1.221 g C6H5COOH 1.370 kg water –3227 kJ/mol 1365 J/℃

by 영원파란 2022. 4. 13.



1.221 g C6H5COOH 1.370 kg water –3227 kJ/mol 1365 J/℃



High-purity benzoic acid (C6H5COOH; ΔH_rxn for combustion = –3227 kJ/mol)

is used as a standard for calibrating bomb calorimeters.

A 1.221 g sample burns in a calorimeter (heat capacity = 1365 J/℃)

that contains exactly 1.370 kg of water.

What temperature change is observed?




C6H5COOH의 몰질량 = 122.12 g/mol 이므로,

1.221 g / (122.12 g/mol) = 0.009998 mol C6H5COOH

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




0.009998 mol × (3227 kJ/mol) = 32.26 kJ

---> 1.221 g C6H5COOH 태울 때 발생하는 열

---> 이 열을 열량계(cal)와 물(water)이 나눠서 흡수한다.




q = C m Δt

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2897 )




q = [C_cal Δt] + [C_water m Δt]


32260 J = [(1365 J/℃) Δt] + [(4.184 J/g•℃) (1370 g) Δt]


32260 = 1365x + 5732x = 7097x


x = 32260 / 7097 = 4.55℃




답: 4.55℃



