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root mean square speed HI 2.82 times gas

by 영원파란 2021. 4. 8.


root mean square speed HI 2.82 times gas



같은 온도에서 u_rms가 HI보다 2.82배 빠른 기체는?



Identify the gas whose root-mean-square speed is 2.82 times

that of hydrogen iodide (HI) at the same temperature.




HI의 몰질량 = 127.91 g/mol = 0.12791 kg/mol




u_rms = sqrt[3RT / M]

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/45 )


= [3 × 8.314 × 298 / 0.12791]^(1/2)

= 241.06 m/s




[참고] 같은 온도라고 해서,

임의의 온도인 25℃로 계산했음.




2.82배 빠르다고 했으므로,

2.82 × (241.06) = [3 × 8.314 × 298 / M]^(1/2)


[2.82 × (241.06)]^2 = 3 × 8.314 × 298 / M


M = [3 × 8.314 × 298] / [2.82 × (241.06)]^2

= 0.01608 kg/mol

= 16.08 g/mol

---> 기체는 산소 원자(O).





[키워드] u_rms 기준문서



