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바닥상태의 수소 원자가 94.91 nm 광자 흡수

by 영원파란 2019. 7. 11.


바닥상태의 수소 원자가 94.91 nm 광자 흡수



바닥상태의 수소 원자가 94.91 nm 광자를 흡수하여 들뜬 상태가 되었다.

들뜬 상태의 주양자수를 구하여라.



A ground state H atom absorbs a photon of wavelength 94.91 nm to reach a higher energy level (excited state). Subsequently, the excited atom returns to ground state in a 2-step process by emitting 2 photons in sequence. First, an intermediate level is reached by emission of a “1281 nm” photon. The second photon is emitted when the electron returns from the intermediate level to the ground state.

a) What higher level did the atom reach? (n = ?)




E = hν = hc / λ

( 식 설명 https://ywpop.tistory.com/4964 )


= [(6.626×10^(-34) Js) (3×10^8 m/s)] / [94.91 nm × (10^(-9) m / 1 nm)]

= [(6.626×10^(-34)) (3×10^8)] / [94.91 × (10^(-9))]

= 2.0944×10^(-18) J




ΔE = R_H (1/n_i^2 1/n_f^2)

= 2.18×10^(-18) J × (1/n_i^2 1/n_f^2)

( 식 설명 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3122 )


2.0944×10^(-18) J = 2.18×10^(-18) J × (1/1^2 1/n_f^2)

(2.0944×10^(-18)) / (2.18×10^(-18)) = 1/1^2 1/n_f^2

1/n_f^2 = 1/1^2 - (2.0944×10^(-18)) / (2.18×10^(-18))

n_f = 1 / [1/1^2 - (2.0944×10^(-18)) / (2.18×10^(-18))]^(1/2)

= 5.05 5



: n = 5




[키워드] 수소원자 에너지준위 기준문서, 수소원자 전자전이 기준문서, 보어 계산식 기준문서




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