PdV + VdP = n(Cp – Cv)dT
PV = nRT
PdV + VdP = nRdT
Cp – Cv = R
PdV + VdP = n(Cp – Cv)dT
[Blogger 블로그스팟]
[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2023/11/pdv-vdp-ncp-cvdt.html ]
[키워드] product rule 기준
mixture of H2 and O2 gases or water
수소 기체와 산소 기체는
물을 형성하기 위하여 격렬하게 반응한다.
어느 것이 더 낮은 에너지인가?
수소와 산소의 혼합물 혹은 물 중 선택하고
그 이유를 설명하라.
Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas
react violently to form water.
Which is lower in energy:
a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases or water?
답: 생성물인 물(water)
[Blogger 블로그스팟]
[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2023/11/mixture-of-h2-and-o2-gases-or-water.html ]
[키워드] 발열반응 기준
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ PCl5(g) Kc = 1.67 at 500. K
다음 반응의 Kp를 구하라.
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ PCl5(g) ... Kc = 1.67 (500. K에서)
Calculate Kp for the following reaction:
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) ⇌ PCl5(g) ... Kc = 1.67 (at 500. K)
답: Kp = 0.0407
[Blogger 블로그스팟]
[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2023/11/pcl3g-cl2g-pcl5g-kc-167-at-500-k.html ]
[키워드] Kp Kc 관계 기준, Kc Kp 관계 기준
CH3CO2Na 0.150 mol 0.500 m gram
CH3CO2Na 0.150 mol 0.500 m mass
아세트산 소듐(CH3CO2Na) 0.150 mol을 얻기 위해서는
0.500 m 아세트산 소듐 수용액 몇 g이 필요한가?
What mass (in grams) of a 0.500 molal solution
of sodium acetate in water
would you use to obtain 0.150 mol sodium acetate?
답: 312 g
[Blogger 블로그스팟]
[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2023/11/ch3co2na-0150-mol-0500-m-gram.html ]
[키워드] 몰랄농도 용액 기준
de Broglie wavelength electron velocity 5520 km/s
Find the de Broglie wavelength (in nm) associated with an electron that is moving with a velocity of 5520 km/s. The electron rest mass is 9.11×10^(-31) kg.
Note, electrons having this speed would need to be treated as waves in atoms because the wavelength is on the order of the size of atoms.
답: 0.132 nm
[Blogger 블로그스팟]
[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2023/11/de-broglie-wavelength-electron-velocity.html ]
[키워드] de Broglie 기준, 드브로이 기준
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