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tilapia 535 g 2011 year

by 영원파란 2023. 3. 23.



tilapia 535 g 2011 year



Tilapia is rapidly becoming an important source of fish around the world.

This is because it can be farmed easily and sustainably.

In 2011, 475 million pounds of tilapia were consumed by Americans.

If the average tilapia has a mass of 535 grams,

how many tilapia were consumed in 2011?



▶ 참고: 환산 인자

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/3121 ]



▶ 환산 인자

> 1 pound (lb) = 0.45359237 kg (exactly)

> 1 lb = 453.59237 g

> 1 마리 = 535 g




475 million = 475 000 000 = 475×10^6




(475×10^6 lb) (453.59237 g / 1 lb) (1 마리 / 535 g)

= (475×10^6) (453.59237) (1 / 535)

= 4.03×10^8 마리




답: 4.03×10^8





[ 그림 출처 Wikimedia ]



