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255 mL 143.187 g 265 torr 25℃143.289 g mol mass gas

by 영원파란 2022. 4. 24.



255 mL 143.187 g 265 torr 25℃143.289 g mol mass gas



The mass of an evacuated 255 mL flask is 143.187 g.

The mass of the flask filled with 265 torr

of an unknown gas at 25℃ is 143.289 g.

Calculate the molar mass of the unknown gas.




기체의 질량 = 143.289 – 143.187 = 0.102 g




기체의 밀도 = 0.102 g / 0.255 L = 0.4 g/L




M = dRT / P

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2933 )


= [(0.4) (0.08206) (273.15+25)] / (265/760)

= 28.07 g/mol





또는 PV = nRT 로부터

n = PV / RT

= [(265/760) (0.255)] / [(0.08206) (273.15+25)]

= 0.0036341775 mol



0.102 g / 0.0036341775 mol

= 28.07 g/mol





[ 관련 예제 https://ywpop.tistory.com/21038 ] 25℃ 500 mL 245 torr 257 mg gas mol mass



