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PMMA. head-to-tail structure and head-to-head structure

by 영원파란 2021. 10. 2.


PMMA. head-to-tail structure and head-to-head structure



How do head-to-head and head-to-tail structures

of poly(methyl methacrylate) differ?





[ 그림 출처 Wikimedia ] head-tail isomerism of vinyl polymers.

> head = 치환기(치환체)를 가진 탄소쪽, tail = CH2쪽.






[그림] methyl methacrylate (MMA) and PMMA.







[그림] head-to-tail structure and head-to-head structure.

PMMA의 경우, R1 = -CH3, R2 = -C(=O)-O-CH3.





[키워드] methyl methacrylate 기준문서, PMMA 기준문서, 머리-머리 구조 기준문서, 머리-꼬리 구조 기준문서, 고분자 구조 기준문서, PMMA dic



