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일반화학/[05장] 열화학

1000 g water 0.7521 g benzoic acid 3.60℃ –26.42 kJ/g

by 영원파란 2021. 6. 14.



1000 g water 0.7521 g benzoic acid 3.60℃ –26.42 kJ/g



When 0.7521 g of benzoic acid was burned in a calorimeter

containing 1000. g of water, a temperature rise of 3.60℃ was observed.

What is the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter, excluding the water?

The heat of combustion of benzoic acid is –26.42 kJ/g.




▶ 참고: 열용량과 비열 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/2897 ]




(0.7521 g) (26.42 kJ/g) = 19.87 kJ

= 19870 J

---> 이 열을 통과 물이 나눠서 흡수한다.




q = C m Δt

= (4.184) (1000) (3.60)

= 15062.4 J

---> 물이 흡수한 열




19870 – 15062.4 = 4807.6 J

---> 통이 흡수한 열




C = q / Δt

= 4807.6 J / 3.60℃

= 1335.4 J/℃

= 1.34 kJ/℃

---> heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter




답: 1.34 kJ/℃





[키워드] 통 열량계의 열용량 계산 기준문서



