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아보가드로 수 계산. Ba bcc 502 pm 3.50 g/cm3 68%

by 영원파란 2020. 9. 9.


아보가드로 수 계산. Ba bcc 502 pm 3.50 g/cm3 68%



Barium metal crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice (the Ba atoms are at the lattice points only). The unit cell edge length is 502 pm, and the density of the metal is 3.50 g/cm3. Using this information, calculate Avogadro's number.

[Hint: First calculate the volume (in cm3) occupied by 1 mole of Ba atoms in the unit cells. Next calculate the volume (in cm3) occupied by one Ba atom in the unit cell. Assume that 68% of the unit cell is occupied by Ba atoms.]




Ba의 몰질량 = 137.33 g/mol




body-centered cubic = 2 atoms/unit cell = Z

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/12440 )

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7276 )




(502 pm) (1 m / 10^12 pm) (100 cm / 1 m) = 5.02×10^(-8) cm


(5.02×10^(-8) cm)^3 = 1.265×10^(-22) cm^3 = V




d = [Z × M] / [V × N_A] 또는

d = (M × Z) / (N_A × a^3)

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/12439 )


N_A = [Z × M] / [V × d]

= [2 × 137.33 g/mol] / [(1.265×10^(-22) cm^3) × 3.50 g/cm^3]

= [2 × 137.33] / [(1.265×10^(-22)) × 3.50]

= 6.2035×10^23 /mol




: 6.20×10^23 /mol





[키워드] 고체화학 기준문서, 체심 입방 격자 기준문서, bcc 기준문서



