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일반화학/[09장] 분자의 기하구조와 결합 이론

pairs of atomic orbitals on adjacent nuclei can overlap

by 영원파란 2024. 6. 16.



pairs of atomic orbitals on adjacent nuclei can overlap



인접한 핵에 있는 원자 오비탈의 다음 어느 쌍이 겹쳐져

시그마 결합을 형성하는가? 파이 결합은?

어느 것이 겹칠 수 없는가?

x-축을 핵 사이의 축으로 생각한다.

(a) 1s와 2s, (b) 1s와 2px, (c) 2py와 2py,

(d) 3py와 2pz, (e) 2px와 3px.



Which of the following pairs of atomic orbitals on adjacent nuclei can overlap to form a sigma bond? A pi bond? Which cannot overlap (no bond)? Consider the x-axis to be the internuclear axis.




[ https://ywpop.blogspot.com/2024/06/pairs-of-atomic-orbitals-on-adjacent.html ]




[키워드] 오비탈 겹침 기준, 시그마 결합 기준, 파이 결합 기준, orbital overlap dic


Which of the following pairs of atomic orbitals in adjacent nuclei overlap to form a sigma bond? What about pi union? Which cannot overlap? Think of the x-axis as the axis between the nuclei. (a) 1s and 2s, (b) 1s and 2px, (c) 2py and 2py, (d) 3py and 2pz, (e) 2px and 3px.



