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일반화학/[03장] 화학량론

myoglobin Fe 0.34% mol mass

by 영원파란 2024. 4. 4.



myoglobin Fe 0.34% mol mass



Myoglobin stores oxygen for metabolic processes in muscle.

Chemical analysis shows that it contains 0.34% Fe by mass.

What is the molar mass of myoglobin?

(There is one Fe atom per molecule.)




There is one Fe atom per molecule

---> Fe의 몰수 = myoglobin의 몰수




myoglobin이 100 g 있다면,

이 속에 포함된 Fe의 질량

= 100 g × (0.34/100) = 0.34 g Fe




Fe의 몰질량 = 55.845 g/mol 이므로,

0.34 g / (55.845 g/mol) = 0.00608828 mol Fe

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




myoglobin의 몰질량

= 100 g / 0.00608828 mol

= 16425 g/mol




답: 16425 g/mol





[키워드] 미오글로빈 기준, myoglobin dic



