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0.91 fuel tank 40 gal/min 40000 lb time

by 영원파란 2023. 4. 9.



0.91 fuel tank 40 gal/min 40000 lb time

40 gal/min of hydrocarbon fuel having SG of 0.91



Forty gal/min of a hydrocarbon fuel having a specific gravity of 0.91

flows into a tank truck with a load limit of 40000 lb of fuel.

How long will it take to fill the tank in the truck?




물의 밀도 = 8.3454 lb/gal 이므로,

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/4869 )


fuel의 밀도 = 0.91 × (8.3454 lb/gal)

= 7.5943 lb/gal

( 참고: 밀도와 비중 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2922 )




(40000 lb) (1 gal / 7.5943 lb) (1 min / 40 gal)

= (40000) (1 / 7.5943) (1 / 40)

= 131.68 min




답: 132 min



