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일반화학/[10장] 기체

2.0 g N2, 0.40 g H2, 9.0 g O2 27℃ 2.00 L tot press

by 영원파란 2022. 5. 23.


2.0 g N2, 0.40 g H2, 9.0 g O2 27℃ 2.00 L tot press



2.0 g of N2, 0.40 g of H2 and 9.0 g of O2

placed in a container of 2.00 L capacity at 27℃.

The total pressure in the container is _____.



▶ 참고: 돌턴의 분압법칙

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/48 ]



각 기체의 몰수를 계산하면,

2.0 g / (28 g/mol) = 0.071429 mol N2

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )


0.40 / 2 = 0.2 mol H2


9.0 / 32 = 0.28125 mol O2




전체 몰수를 계산하면,

0.071429 + 0.2 + 0.28125 = 0.552679 mol




PV = nRT

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3097 )


P_tot = n_tot RT / V

= [(0.552679) (0.08206) (273.15+27)] / (2.00)

= 6.81 atm





[Q] 2.8 g of N2, 0.40 g of H2 and 6.4 g of O2

placed in a container of 1.0 L capacity at 27℃.

The total pressure in the container is


[Q] 12 g N2, 4 g H2 and 9 g O2

are put into a one litre container at 27℃.

What is the total pressure?



