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Convert 19 mPa to ppb when 9.6 kPa

by 영원파란 2022. 3. 24.


Convert 19 mPa to ppb when 9.6 kPa



The pressure of the atmosphere at 16 km altitude

in the stratosphere is 9.6 kPa.

The peak pressure of O3 at this altitude in the stratosphere

in Figure 1-1 is 19 mPa.

Convert the pressure of 19 mPa to parts per billion (ppb)

when the atmospheric pressure is 9.6 kPa.




> 9.6 kPa = 9600 Pa

> 19 mPa = 0.019 Pa




X_A = P_A / P_tot

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/48 )


= 0.019 Pa / 9600 Pa

= 1.9792×10^(-6)

---> 1.9792×10^(-6) mol O3 / 1 mol 공기




ppb = (오염 물질의 mol수 / 공기의 mol수) × 10^9

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/5494 )


= (1.9792×10^(-6)) × 10^9

= 1979.2 ppb




답: 1.98×10^3 ppb



