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일반화학/[02장] 원자, 분자, 이온

What are the masses of the four different BrCl molecules

by 영원파란 2021. 6. 18.


What are the masses of the four different BrCl molecules



The two naturally occurring isotopes of bromine are

81Br (80.916 amu, 49.31%) and

79Br (78.918 amu, 50.69%).


The two naturally occurring isotopes of chlorine are

37Cl (36.966 amu, 24.23%) and

35Cl (34.969 amu, 75.77%).


Bromine and chlorine combine to form bromine monochloride, BrCl.

What are the masses of the four different BrCl molecules?




4 possible combinations to form BrCl:

> 81Br-37Cl = 80.916 amu + 36.966 amu = 117.882 amu

> 81Br-35Cl = 80.916 amu + 34.969 amu = 115.885 amu

> 79Br-37Cl = 78.918 amu + 36.966 amu = 115.884 amu

> 79Br-35Cl = 78.918 amu + 34.969 amu = 113.887 amu





[키워드] BrCl isotope molecular weight, BrCl isotope molecular mass, BrCl isotope molecule weight, BrCl isotope molecule mass, BrCl 동위원소 기준문서, BrCl 분자량 기준문서



