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일반화학/[01장] 서론: 물질과 측정

artist creates a solid sculpture made from 7.70 kg of iron

by 영원파란 2021. 3. 8.


artist creates a solid sculpture made from 7.70 kg of iron



An artist creates a solid sculpture made from 7.70 kg of iron.

She wishes to create an identical sculpture,

using the same mold used to make the original, out of solid silver.

What is the mass (in kg) of the silver sculpture?

(The density of iron is 7.86×10^3 kg/m3,

and that of silver is 10.50×10^3 kg/m3.)




iron의 부피

= 7.70 kg / (7.86×10^3 kg/m3) = 0.000979644 m3

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/8460 )


= silver의 부피




silver의 질량

= 0.000979644 m3 × (10.50×10^3 kg/m3)

= 10.3 kg



An artist creates a solid sculpture made from 8.70 kg of tin.

She wishes to create an identical sculpture,

using the same mold used to make the original, out of solid lead.

What is the mass (in kg) of the lead sculpture?

(The density of tin is 7.26×10^3 kg/m3,

and that of lead is 11.30×10^3 kg/m3.)




8.70 kg / (7.26×10^3 kg/m3)

= 0.001198347 m3 tin

= 0.001198347 m3 lead



0.001198347 m3 × (11.30×10^3 kg/m3)

= 13.5 kg lead



