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NH3 gas critical point 111.3 atm 72.5 cm^3 mol^-1 405.5 K

by 영원파란 2021. 2. 9.


NH3 gas critical point 111.3 atm 72.5 cm^3 mol^-1 405.5 K



NH3 기체의 임계점이 111.3기압, 72.5 cm^3/mol, 405.5 K일 때,

임계점에서 압축인자를 구하시오.



The critical point of ammonia, NH3, gas

occurs at 111.3 atm, 72.5 cm^3 mol^-1 and 405.5 K.

Calculate the compression factor at the critical point.



▶ 참고: 압축인자 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/17127 ]



compression factor, Z = PVm / RT

= [(111.3) (72.5/1000)] / [(0.08206) (405.5)]

= 0.242499

= 0.242




R = 0.08206 atm•L/mol•K

( 참고: 기체상수 https://ywpop.tistory.com/1988 )




[참고] 이상기체의 Z = 1.






[예제] Calculate the compression factor for carbon dioxide at its critical point

given that Tc = 31 °C, Pc = 72.9 atm and Vc = 94.0 cm3 mol-1.



compression factor, Z = PVm / RT

= [(72.9) (94.0/1000)] / [(0.08206) (273.15+31)]

= 0.274559

= 0.275





[ 관련 예제 https://ywpop.tistory.com/6437 ] N2 기체와 NH3 기체의 압축인자




[키워드] ammonia NH3 compression factor at the critical point, compression factor for CO2 at its critical point, 압축인자 기준문서, Z = PV_m / RT



