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물질 1 mol당 더 큰 엔트로피. a b c d

by 영원파란 2020. 12. 5.


물질 1 mol당 더 큰 엔트로피. a b c d



다음의 각 쌍 중 어떤 상태가 물질 1 mol당 더 큰 엔트로피를 갖는가?



Which state in each of the following pairs

has the higher entropy per mole of substance?




a) H2 at 25in a volume of 10 L

or H2 at 25in a volume of 50 L

[ 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/16493 ]




b) O2 at 25and 1 atm

or O2 at 25and 10 atm

[ 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/16494 ]




c) H2 at 25and 1 atm

or H2 at 100and 1 atm

[ 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/16495 ]




d) CO2 at STP

or CO2 at 100and 0.1 atm

[ 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/16496 ]





[키워드] 엔트로피 기준문서, 엔트로피 비교 기준문서



