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N2F2 루이스 구조. N2F2 Lewis structure

by 영원파란 2020. 10. 21.


N2F2 루이스 구조. N2F2 Lewis structure




[그림] 1,2-difluorodiazene.




▶ N의 형식전하

형식전하 = 원자가전자수 – 비결합전자수 – (결합전자수/2)

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/2544 )


= 5 – 2 – (6/2) = 0



▶ F의 형식전하

= 7 – 6 – (2/2) = 0





[그림] The molecular geometry of N2F2.





[ 관련 글 https://ywpop.tistory.com/9881 ] N2F2의 3D 구조





▶ N2F2 bond angles

The electron arrangement in N2F2 is trigonal planar, as the central Nitrogen atom is forming bonds with two other atoms. Generally, the bond angles for the molecules having such an arrangement is 120°, but as there are two lone pairs, it will try and repel each other, compressing the bond angle to 118°.




[키워드] 1,2-difluorodiazene, dinitrogen difluoride, N2F2 루이스 구조



