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주기율표에서 원소의 위치와 양이온 사이의 관계

by 영원파란 2019. 8. 3.



주기율표에서 원소의 위치와 양이온 사이의 관계



What is the relationship between location of an element in the periodic table and the cation it forms?



1. Elements in the first three periods of the main group elements have valence electrons equal to the column number.

They will lose their valence electrons to form +1, +2, and +3 cations, respectively.


2. Elements in the first three groups of the main group elements have valence electrons equal to the column number.

They will lose their valence electrons to form +1, +2, or +3 cations, respectively.


3. Elements in the first three periods of the main group elements have valence electrons equal to the column number.

They will gain electrons to form +1, +2, and +3 cations, respectively.


4. Elements in the first three groups of the main group elements have valence electrons equal to the column number.

They will gain electrons to form +1, +2, and +3 cations, respectively.




the main group elements = 주족 원소 = 전형원소

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/5893 )



전자를 잃고 양이온이 되므로, 3, 4 제외.

(group)의 수 = (column)의 수 = 원자가전자의 수 이므로, 1 제외.



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