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총괄성. 증기압내림, Lowering the Vapor Pressure

by 영원파란 2015. 9. 29.


총괄성. 증기압내림, Lowering the Vapor Pressure



A KCl solution is prepared by dissolving 40.0 g KCl in 250.0 g of water at 25.

What is the vapor pressure of the solution if the vapor pressure of water at 25is 23.76 mmHg?


A) 20.5 mmHg    B) 22.1 mmHg    C) 22.9 mmHg    D) 25.5 mmHg




ΔP = X_용질 × P°_용매    (비전해질 용질에서)

ΔP = i × X_용질 × P°_용매    (전해질 용질에서)

(i = van't Hoff factor)



용질의 mol= 40.0 g / (74.55 g/mol) = 0.537 mol

용매의 mol= 250.0 g / (18.02 g/mol) = 13.87 mol

전체 mol= 0.537 + 13.87 = 14.41 mol

X_용질 = 0.537 / 14.41 = 0.0373



ΔP = 2 × 0.0373 × 23.76 mmHg = 1.77 mmHg

23.76 1.77 = 21.99 mmHg



답: B)



