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핵변환 (nuclear transmutation)

by 영원파란 2015. 1. 21.


핵변환 (nuclear transmutation)




[1] 핵변환: 인위적인 핵반응 (비자발적인 핵반응)

중성자 또는 다른 핵으로 목표 핵을 때린다.

두 개의 입자가 충돌한다는 점에서 방사성() 붕괴와 다르다.




[2] 최초 핵변환: 1919, Rutherford

라듐에서 방출되는 알파 입자를 사용하여, 질소 원자를 산소 원자로 변환.





[3] 핵변환 간단 표시법

목표 핵 ( 충격 입자, 방출 입자 ) 생성 핵





[4] 핵변환 예

중성자를 사용하여, 질소 원자를 탄소 원자로 변환. 이때 삼중수소가 방출된다.




One of the possible fuel types for advanced nuclear reactors is nitride fuel. This kind of fuel has a lot of advantages - nitride fuel is high-density, has good heat conductivity that provides rather low temperature of fuel elements at operation and it, in turn, has positive effect for safety. Nevertheless there is a big problem which connected with an additional tritium source from 14N (n, t) 12C reaction.

Tritium leaks in the environment because it has a high mobility and easily penetrate through constructional materials. Tritium is dangerous for personnel of nuclear stations because it can easily replace light hydrogen isotope in human body and it can create inner radiation source.




[키워드] 14N(α,p)17O, 핵변환 기준문서



