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일반화학/[10장] 기체

열린 끝부분 기둥 높이 5.0 mm 상승

by 영원파란 2023. 1. 17.



열린 끝부분 기둥 높이 5.0 mm 상승



플라스크 내부의 기체 압력이 증가하고

열린 끝부분에서의 기둥의 높이가 5.0 mm 상승한 경우,

플라스크 내부의 새로운 기체 압력은 몇 torr인가?



If the pressure of the gas inside the flask

were increased and the height of the column

in the open-ended arm went up by 5.0 mm,

what would be the new pressure

of the gas in the flask, in torr?




On a certain day, a laboratory barometer indicates that the atmospheric pressure is 764.7 torr. A sample of gas is placed in a flask attached to an open-end mercury manometer (Figure 10.3), and a meter stick is used to measure the height of the mercury in the two arms of the U tube. The height of the mercury in the open ended arm is 136.4 mm, and the height in the arm in contact with the gas in the flask is 103.8 mm.


Q. What is the pressure of the gas in the flask?


P_gas = P_atm + P_h

= P_atm + (h_atm – h_gas)

= 764.7 + (136.4 – 103.8)

= 797.3 torr






▶ 처음 조건

> P_atm = 764.7 torr

> h_atm = 136.4 mm (of Hg)

> h_gas = 103.8 mm (of Hg)




새로운 높이를 계산하면,

h_atm2 = h_atm + 5.0 mm

= 136.4 + 5.0 = 141.4 mm


h_gas2 = h_gas – 5.0 mm

= 103.8 – 5.0 = 98.8 mm




새로운 기체 압력을 계산하면,

P_gas2 = P_atm + (h_atm2 – h_gas2)

= 764.7 + (141.4 – 98.8)

= 807.3 torr




답: 807.3 torr



