C 45.90%, H 2.73%, O 26.23%, N 7.65%, S 17.49%
C 45.90%, H 2.73%, O 26.23%, N 7.65%, S 17.49% 사카린은 탄소 45.90%, 수소 2.73%, 산소 26.23%, 질소 7.65%, 황 17.49%로 구성되어있다. 사카린의 분자식은? Saccharin, an artificial sweetener that is 3000 times sweeter than sucrose, is composed of 45.90% carbon, 2.73% hydrogen, 26.23% oxygen, 7.65% nitrogen, and 17.49% sulfur. Is the molecular formula of saccharin a) C14H10O6N2S2, b) C5H7O3NS, c) C8H9O2NS, or d) C7H5O3NS? ------..
2022. 5. 4.