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EBT 지시약(에리오크롬 블랙 T 0.5%) 제조 방법

by 영원파란 2015. 7. 3.


EBT 지시약(에리오크롬 블랙 T 0.5%) 제조 방법

0.5% Eriochrome Black T in Ethanol




EBT 0.5 gNH2OH*HCl 4.5 gethanol에 용해시켜 100 mL로 만듭니다.

만든 후에는 냉암소에 보관합니다.





[염산 하이드록실아민(NH2OH*HCl)을 넣는 이유]

EBT 지시약은 불안정하기 때문에 산화되어 변할 수 있습니다.

염산 하이드록실아민은 화학반응에서 환원제로도 사용되는 물질인데,

EBT 지시약의 산화를 억제하기 위해 넣어줍니다.



제조 방법


1. Weigh out 0.5 g of solid EBT on a balance and transfer it to a small beaker or flask. Add about 50 mL of 95% ethyl alcohol and swirl the mixture until the EBT has fully dissolved.


2. Weigh out 4.5 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride on a balance and transfer it to the beaker or flask containing the EBT. Swirl until the hydroxylamine hydrochloride has fully dissolved.


3. Transfer the solution containing the EBT and hydroxylamine hydrochloride to a 100 mL graduated cylinder. Add 95% ethyl alcohol to bring the total volume to 100 mL.





1. EBT indicator solutions typically exhibit very short shelf lives. Always prepare a fresh EBT solution when performing titrations.


2. Hydroxylamine hydrochloride is highly toxic and corrosive to skin and mucous membranes. Avoid direct skin contact. Wear rubber gloves and protective eyewear at all times when handling this compound.




[키워드] 킬레이트 적정, 금속 지시약




▶ [TCI 시약] Eriochrome Black T
(contains ca. 0.5% Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride)
(5 g/L in Methanol)
> CAS RN: 1787-61-7
> Product Number: E0008



