
원소분석. X Cl mass 13.10% X six times

영원파란 2023. 7. 3. 17:02

원소분석. X Cl mass 13.10% X six times



You find a compound composed only of element X and chlorine,

and you know that the compound is 13.10% X by mass.

Each molecule of the compound contains six times

as many chlorine atoms as X atoms. What is element X?



▶ 참고: 원소분석

[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/64 ]



시료의 질량 = 100 g 이라 가정하면,

100 – 13.10 = 86.90 g Cl




Cl의 몰질량 = 35.45 g/mol 이므로,

86.90 g / (35.45 g/mol) = 2.45134 mol Cl

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/7738 )




X : Cl = 1 : 6 = ? mol : 2.45134 mol


? = 2.45134 / 6 = 0.40856 mol X




X의 몰질량을 계산하면,

13.10 g / 0.40856 mol

= 32.06 g/mol




답: X = S (Sulfur)

---> compound = SCl6


