C, H, O로 구성된 화합물의 실험식. 48.64% C, 8.16% H
C, H, O로 구성된 화합물의 실험식. 48.64% C, 8.16% H 탄소, 수소, 산소로 구성된 화합물이 탄소 48.64%, 수소 8.16% 질량 백분율을 갖는다. 이 화합물의 실험식을 구하시오. A compound that contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen is 48.64% C and 8.16% H by mass. What is the empirical formula of this substance? ---------------------------------------------------▶ 참고: 원소분석 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/64 ]--------------------------------------------------..
2020. 4. 26.
실험식 구하기. 67.35 g Ni, 43.46 g O, 23.69 g P
실험식 구하기. 67.35 g Ni, 43.46 g O, 23.69 g P Determine the empirical formula for each of the following, using the given masses:a) a compound containing 26.08 g zinc, 4.79 g carbon, and 19.14 g oxygenb) a 150.0 g sample of a compound containing 57.66 g carbon, 7.26 g hydrogen, and the rest, chlorinec) a 75.0 g sample of an oxide of vanadium, containing 42.0 g V and the rest, oxygend) a compound cont..
2020. 4. 17.
실험식 구하기. 26.08 g 아연, 4.79 g 탄소, 19.14 g 산소
실험식 구하기. 26.08 g 아연, 4.79 g 탄소, 19.14 g 산소 Determine the empirical formula for each of the following, using the given masses:a) a compound containing 26.08 g zinc, 4.79 g carbon, and 19.14 g oxygenb) a 150.0 g sample of a compound containing 57.66 g carbon, 7.26 g hydrogen, and the rest, chlorinec) a 75.0 g sample of an oxide of vanadium, containing 42.0 g V and the rest, oxygend) a compoun..
2020. 4. 17.
실험식. 60.0% C, 4.4% H, and the remainder O
실험식. 60.0% C, 4.4% H, and the remainder O Determine the empirical formulas of the compounds with the following compositions by mass:a) 42.1% Na, 18.9% P, and 39.0% Ob) 18.7% Li, 16.3% C, and 65.0% Oc) 60.0% C, 4.4% H, and the remainder O ---------------------------------------------------▶ 참고: 원소분석 [ https://ywpop.tistory.com/64 ]--------------------------------------------------- c) 60.0% C, 4...
2020. 4. 12.